I've seen quite a few of these weird little bowls at the thrift stores lately. I haven't figured out what the doo-hicky in the middle is for though.
I decided to chop this one out but it wasn't such a grand idea because the hole when all the way through and it was a hefty one. Grrrr. . .
I then took a hand saw and proceeded to cut down the knobby thing I removed into a disk to cover the hole.
Not such a good idea either. . .
Instead of using a clamp or a sturdy table to hold the knob while I was cutting, I just held it in my left hand and managed to slice more off my thumb than I did said knob. . .grrrrr.
A few bandaids and some splintered wood later, I salvaged a chuck of the knob and got it loctited in.
After I had stopped bleeding and the loctite had time enough to cure, I whipped out the sandpaper and showed my evil bowl who was boss. (Pay back from the day before).
Now to decide what color it was going. Black? Eh. . . I have tons of black. . Cream? Maybe. . .
To make a long story short and save you most of my complaining, it got a coat of every color of paint I had and I hated every one of them.
By this time, I'm not having so much fun and was really considering chuckin' my bowl in the trash. . .
One more try and if it turns out like crap, its getting burnt. I had had enough trouble out of it and thought it was my duty to spare any other revamper the heartache of this horrid little monster.
This is what I finally ended up with.
I actually made the twine ball from a styrofoam ball I found at the DI for $.50 (had a Roberts Craft price sticker still on it for $4.49. Score!) I had a roll of jute and had seen another blog where they had hot glued some twine onto a nerf ball so I decided to try and make a similar one. Two words: Time Consuming!
The other ball I also found at the DI for $.75. I saw the exact ones in Wally World about twenty minutes before hand priced at $10 for 3. Score again!
UPDATE: It was Allison at HoH that did the nerfball to deco-ball. She is fantastic! Check out her
tutuorial and make a few for yourself. Like I said before though. . . .they are super time consuming but totally worth it in the end :)
PS: Those weird bowls are for nuts. The little do-hicky in the middle with the little holes are to hold the nut cracker things and tools to get the shells off. I saw another one of these at the DI and it had all the pieces to it and I had one of those "OOooooOOOoo. I get it now moments" when I saw what it was for. hehehehe